Hockey, It's Canada's Game!

Hockey It’s Canada’s game!
By: Jackson O’Neill

Hockey is Canada’s national sport; a national sport or a national pastime is a sport or game that is considered to be a crucial part of the culture and something that brings people together in representation of their country and nation. Hockey is a part of our Saturday nights at home, our good times out at bars, and more importantly it's an amazing event that brings such pride to our great country.


In my opinion, hockey really took off and started to bring Canada together as a nation in 1972 when Canada began an eight game series between Canada and Russia. The summit series took place and brought this country a sense of national pride. The game had everyone sitting at the edge of their seats in suspense. Canadians think of themselves as the best hockey players in the world and expected their team to win every game with ease. This was not the case at all after seven games. Both teams had won three times with the other game ending in a tie. To say Canadians were excited about the finale would be an understatement. People skipped out of work and schools suspended classes so everyone could watch the game. There was an obvious sense of national pride to basically shut down the country, to watch a hockey game. That is just incredible in my opinion. In the final game, Russia led five to three after two periods. But Canada tied it up halfway through the third period, which had Canadians standing and biting their nails. With less than one minute left in the game, Paul Henderson scored for Canada. A nation let out its collective sigh of relief and cheers of enjoyment. To this day Paul Henderson’s goal is still known as one of Canada’s greatest hockey moments and greatest goals. It was such a huge moment in Hockey on a national level, and remains a historical event in hockey until this day.


Superstars or the games greats also have a huge impact on the nation! When I say The Great one? Would you know whom I’m talking about? Most Canadians certainly would. Wayne Gretzky holds or shares sixty one National Hockey League records, including most goals (892) and assists (1,962). "The Great One" was named the league's most valuable player nine times, claimed the scoring title ten times and won four Stanley Cups in only twenty two NHL seasons. In my opinion he’s the greatest player to play the game, but at the same time I never got to see him in his time unfortunately.

For my era and for Canada today, Canada’s new “Great One” is Sidney Crosby and he is the youngest player to be named the most valuable player of the National Hockey League and the youngest player to captain his team to the Stanley Cup. This in itself is quite the accomplishment but, his Pittsburgh Penguins captured the Stanley Cup in 2009 when "Sid the Kid" was only a boy still at the age of twenty one. He has already accomplished more than some guys play for their whole life for. His legend grew when he scored the overtime winner to clinch Olympic gold for Canada in Vancouver, which brought team Canada to their feet. Just like Paul Henderson’s goal in the Summit Series, it is one of the biggest goals this nation has ever seen or have been a part of.

Finally, an all time great, and classy man himself Gordie Howe. His nickname was "Mr. Hockey” he played professional hockey for thirty two years spanning six decades; he retired in 1980, at the age of fifty two which is a task in itself. While he was just a remarkable man and had an incredible career, anyone would aspire to have a career like he had.

These great players have had such an impact on our nation, not only through their sport, but off the ice as well, with numerous amounts of charity work etc. Part of me believes their going to be a part of Canadian history, as they had such an impact at one point or another in bringing this great nation together.

Ottawa_67s_v_Sudbury_Wolves_Sep_30_2004download (1)

Overall Canadians are, without a doubt, the best hockey people in the world. At an early age, we are all introduced or exposed to some sort of hockey. All Canadians are tested in their ability to play either in school, the streets, or hopefully for most, the chance to play in an arena. Children are taught the history of hockey, and how it brings us together as a nation. It is a game forever bringing people together. Just last night the National Hockey League kicked off their 2014-2015 season with the Toronto Maple Leafs versus the Montreal Canadiens. Even that sense of pride of representing your home, your team. It’s just remarkable, outside maple leafs square on a normal game day there is thousands of fans cheering on their team, not to mention the 25,000 fans inside watching and the 25,000 fans watching at home on there television. It is just a game that everyone comes together for and has a sense of pride for because we are Canada, we are hockey! We live, eat, sleep, and breathe hockey. It will be a part of our family traditions for years to come.

Hockey is such a great game, it can teach an individual so many lessons in life. Not only in hockey, but it builds friendships that will last a lifetime, teaches us life lessons and goals that are important. Most importantly it teaches us how to win and lose while playing such a great sport we love and consider our own. I’m so grateful to live in such a country that could give me an opportunity to learn, play and love such a great game! Until this day, I play hockey and plan on it until the day I can no longer bend over to lace up my skates! Hockey will forever be in my heart and my home! Canada, it’s our game!


Anderson, Benedict. 2006. Imagined Communities. Retrieved October 10, 2014. - The National Hockey League. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2014.

Toronto Maple Leafs - Profile - NHL - Sports - (2014, September 24). Retrieved
October 10, 2014.

Wikipedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2014.

Comment on “Hockey, It's Canada's Game!

  1. Amazing content, however, I wish you broke down your ideas into shorter paragraphs and used proper grammar. Your reasons as to why hockey is Canada's true sport are all clear and valid, and I would have to agree with you there. Again, great content, just proofread next time as it would have made for an even stronger blog.

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